Сlomid 50 mg A-Tech Labs

47,50 95,00 

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Effects of taking Clomid

  • rapid recovery of hormonal background and secretion of endogenous testosterone;
  • reduction in the severity of the rebound phenomenon;
  • preservation of gained muscle mass;
  • prevention of the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics associated with high estrogenic effect;
  • prevention of testicular atrophy;
  • normalisation of libido;
  • normalisation of liver function.

Application and dosage of Clomid

The duration of taking Clomid is 7-10 days, maximum – 2 weeks. Athletes usually start taking Clomid as a post-course therapy (PCT) preparation 7-10 days after taking anabolic drugs.

  • The recommended dose is 50-100 mg per day (this is 1-2 tablets);
  • it is better to take clomid once a day after a meal with water;
  • if the intake starts with 100 mg per day, after five days of the course it is better to reduce the dose to 50 mg.

Since Clomid promotes the production of natural testosterone, the drug is used with maximum caution – without exceeding the recommended dosages.

Side effects

Clomid is characterised by a mild action. It is well tolerated and does not cause undesirable effects in men and women, which has been confirmed by scientific studies. But some side effects are still possible. Women treated with the drug for infertility, note the manifestation of one of these side effects: irritability, mood swings, depressive state, fluid retention in the body.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg


Plaquettes thermoformed by package, pieces



A laboratory technique

volume de commande

1 blister of 50 compressed, 1 pack (2 bulls)


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