Clomilad Driada Medical

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Clomid (clomiphene citrate) is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERMs). In the 70s it was not possible to buy clomid. And the drug itself was new, giving hope to many childless families. At that time, it was talked about as a panacea, giving the opportunity to improve fertility (ability to conceive). Today, the drug is world-famous among bodybuilders as a stimulant of natural testosterone production after a course of anabolic steroids.

Aromatisation is controlled in two ways: by stopping the process itself using aromatase inhibitors or by blocking the action of estrogen on receptors. Selective modulators, due to the peculiarities of the structure, interact with estrogen receptors, blocking their access to estrogen. Clomid (clomiphene) belongs to this group. Paradoxically, but despite the fact that the drug is an artificial estrogen, it works here as an anti-estrogen.

Clomid on SCT

After a course of ACC, the formation of natural testosterone is noticeably reduced. This is fraught with the loss of large muscle volumes and strength performance. Lack of the necessary level of testosterone gives a dominant opportunity for cortisol to influence protein metabolism in muscles and provoke their catabolism (combustion, breakdown)). Bodybuilders call this a breakdown or setback, which is able to destroy the entire musculature. Clomid prevents this process. Therefore, its use is mandatory during the period of post-course therapy (PCT).

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg


Plaquettes thermoformed by package, pieces



Driada Medical

volume de commande

1 blister of 50 compressed, 1 packet (100 compressed)


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